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Acid Wash

Without regular maintenance, pool water will allow the growth of algae. After time, algae will stain the bottom of the pool. If your water has begun to look murky and unusually green or black, it's definitely time for an acid wash. 


Even if the water doesn't look murky, Arizona pools need to be drained, cleaned and refilled every 5 - 7 years due to increasing levels of chemicals, total dissolved solids, and bacteria. 

Stains or discoloration happen over time - even with regular pool maintenance, pools still develop a thin layer of dirt, calcium and mineral deposits.

Get Rid Of Pool Stains With Acid Washing

Without regular maintenance, pool water will allow the growth of algae. After time, algae will stain the bottom of the pool. If your water has begun to look murky and unusually green or black, it's definitely time for an acid wash. 


Even if the water doesn't look murky, Arizona pools need to be drained, cleaned and refilled every 5 - 7 years due to increasing levels of chemicals, total dissolved solids, and bacteria. 

Stains or discoloration happen over time - even with regular pool maintenance, pools still develop a thin layer of dirt, calcium and mineral deposits.

You shouldn't worry about whether your pool water is safe for swimming - it's worth consulting a professional to determine if it's time for a pool acid wash.


While you can acid wash the pool yourself with chemicals from the pool supply store, if done wrong it could seriously damage your pool or injure yourself. The process requires protective gear due the nature of chemicals that can burn skin or cause respiratory damage if inhaled. This is a dirty job, but one that we do extremely well ... so you don't have to!

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